Music Monday: Britney Spears

So I’m sure a couple of you were thinking I was going to cover the VMA’s on this Music Monday but NOPE. You see, I didn’t watch the VMAs. I didn’t watch the VMAs because of Miley Cyrus’ constant need to be belligerent. It’s like, “We get it Miley; you smoke weed and like to be naked. Who doesn’t? Do you have anything of substance to contribute?” (Yes, yes I know she is trying to help the homeless community but those efforts are forgotten when she forces everyone to focus on her antics). I could go on and on about this but instead lets focus on the positive: Britney Spears.


My very first concert was a Britney Spears concert. It was during her Dream Within a Dream tour. I first fell in love with her when I stumbled upon the music video for “Baby One More a Time” and I have been holding on tight on the Britney Spears roller coaster since then. Now I know it’s been a rough couple of years for us Britney fans but dare I say, the bitch is back.

I have stuck by Britney Spears’ side through it all; through the good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy and I am so glad that I stayed loyal. Before the music and her looks, I fell in love with the entertainer that she is. So it’s been difficult to truly enjoy her when lately she had been a complete mess on stage. All she did was walk on stage and forget to lip sync. 

Well now, on her “Piece of Me” show in Las Vegas the Britney that I first fell in love with is back. Her dancing is phenomenal, she remembers to move her lips (and pretend to sing) and she smiles the whole way through. I don’t know what has happened recently but the sparkle is back in her eyes and the entertainer that she’s always been is back.

So on this Music Monday I encourage you to listen to Britney’s music and to celebrate the Princess of Pop. Let’s forget about the mess of a show the VMAs were last night and let’s remember that Britney looked great and let’s start saving money to go see her show in Las Vegas! 

What is your favorite Britney Spears song? 

Music Monday: Get the Party Started

So last week I posted on Music Monday, I posted about the beginning of a new journey. I claimed that August 17th, 2015 was the day that my getting healthy journey was starting and I hate to say this but: I lied. Last week, I began to prepare myself. Okay, okay, all I did was be lazy and eat unhealthy food.

August 23rd, 2015. For real this time.

Yesterday I bought a stationary bike (I also built it myself, like the bad-ass woman that I am). I even went grocery shopping; I bought produce and different items so I can prepare myself healthier meals. So, August 23rd 2015 is the day. Today, I am going home and cycling until my legs feel like they’re falling off. I’m actually looking forward to it.

I’m feeling so motivated!!!!

So, on this Music Monday lets GET THIS PARTY STARTED! 


Pink is continuously creating the perfect music for whatever occasion. “Get the Party Started” is the perfect song to get motivated on this gloomy-ish Monday. I am excited to see where this healthy journey takes me. I’ll be making a series of YouTube videos related to becoming healthier and I’m calling the series beYOUrney … Do you get it? 

So; play some Pink, start the party, get healthy, and dance it out. The roller coaster can only go up from here. xx 

Music Monday: Rachel Platten


The only thing I can think right now is: I should have written this post sooner. I should written this post the moment I heard a Rachel Platten song. I should have giving her all of the praise before EVERYONE knew who she was, now I just look like I’m hopping on the bandwagon.

I promise I’m not.

A few months ago, on a Tuesday, I was listening to Spotify’s “New Music Tuesday” playlist when “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten came on. I immediately took notice and saw that she had recently released an EP and as I played it, I knew I would become obsessed.

Rachel Platten has been releasing music for a few years now, but she finally got her break and I am so happy that my ears stumbled upon her wonderful music. The entire EP is about perseverance and strength. No matter the situation this four-track EP has a song for you. The best thing about Rachel Platten? You can tell this girl has worked her ass off to get to where she is. This hasn’t been an easy journey, but taking note of her recent success, it was probably a journey that was completely worth it. 

Each song in the EP is wonderful but I am naturally inclined towards Fight Song. Give me a catchy chorus, an empowered feeling, and lyrics that I can tattoo all over my body and you’ve got a fan for life. 

So on this tiring Monday I encourage you to go listen to Rachel Platten and I dare you to not feel motivated. 

Remember to follow the blog. 
Ps. I’ll be posting every day this week, so get ready for a lot of feelings coming your way!  

Music Monday: Rozzi Crane

Well guys, this week I have no life lesson for you. All I have is good music … you’re welcome in advance.


I first came across Rozzi Crane when someone on Instagram posted about her and I became intrigued and looked her up on Spotify and boy am I glad I did. Currently, her only body of work is a four track EP and I have replayed each song at least 50 times. I am officially obsessed.

First of all, her voice is gorgeous; her vocal range is out of this goddamn world and  the thought of her performing live gets me all kinds of excited. Like I mentioned before, she released an EP earlier this year and every single track is “radio play” worthy.

Psycho – or what I like to refer to as my personal anthem. This song is the perfect introduction to the EP. It’s upbeat and the kind of song you’ll be singing in your car. “Maybe I’m psycho, maybe I’m a little out of touch. Maybe I’m a little out of touch, or a shot glass away from insane”. Again – ANTHEM!

Crazy Ass Bitch- Also known as the song that most women can relate to. The song describes a stage five clinger, who you just can’t seem to get rid of. We’ve all been there … right? … just me? Anyway, this song is fun and the song you can sing with your girlfriends.

Painkiller- is a collaboration with Adam Levine and their voices flow perfectly together. I am always inclined to like duets, the combination of male and female vocals bring dimensions to any song, dimensions that would normally be missed. In this case, Adam Levine just serves as the vocals for the chorus but he fits right into the song, perfectly.

Half the Man- This. This is where Rozzi’s voice truly excels. You will feel this song in your soul. The beginning notes are enough to make you fall in love with this artist. Rozzi showcases her vocal range beautifully in this song. Her voice is strong and commanding when it needs to be and soft and subtle when the song requires it. This song is everything that is right in the music world!

I don’t know what you’re doing with your life, but if it’s not listening to Rozzi Crane; you’re living life wrong. I just made your Monday so much better! You can thank me later.

Feel free to send me music suggestions. My taste is pretty eclectic and I can always use new music to listen to 🙂 


Remember to follow the blog ❤ 

Tunesday – FOUR

I’m 90% sure I will be posting a blog every day this week – I can sense your excitement from here.


Now, let’s get down to business.


I have never been shy about my love of everything One Direction, but my love may have just turned into obsession. In a state of daze and confusion at 2 am the other night/morning, it seems that I bought a One Direction pillowcase off of Amazon. Why am I telling you this? I just want you to know how I listened to the new One Direction album: cuddling with my One Direction pillow, headphones in my ear, and a smile on my face.

In all seriousness though, I do thoroughly enjoy One Direction music (and yes I actually did buy a One Direction pillowcase.) So you can imagine my excitement when they announced that a new album would be released. FOUR was the perfect start to my Monday morning this week. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty, since the album is called FOUR I thought I would review each song using only FOUR words. (I would love to take credit for that brilliant idea but in all reality I got it from youtuber storiesinthedust.

1. Steal my girl – I love dance parties.

2. Ready to Run – Lets have an adventure.

3. Where do broken hearts go – Number one Karaoke choice.

4. 18 – Ed Sheeran is perfection.

5. Girl Almighty – Is this my anthem?

6. Fool’s Gold – The pain is real.

7. Night Changes – Remember my first love.

8. No Control – One Direction. Growing up.

9. Fireproof – It’ll grow on me.

10. Spaces – Real relationship roller coaster.

11. Stockholm Syndrome – Harry Styes, you’re creepy. (If I may add. This may be my favorite off the album.)

12. Clouds – Sing it live. Now.

13. Change your ticket – Changing room movie montage. (Do you get it?)

14. Illusion – Singing in unison. LOVE!

15. Once in a Lifetime – A beautiful love song.

16. Act my age – The best dance party.


To sum up, I have been listening to the album non-stop. It’s a fun pop album and I appreciate that they write most (if not all of their songs.) Do you like dance parties? Then I recommend you go buy the album 🙂

Have you heard it? What are your thoughts?


Music Monday: 1989


I’m back!!! … contain your excitement.

Where have I been? Oh, well I’ve been busy … listening to the Taylor Swift album non-stop.

No, but really, update blog coming soon. I just need to take a moment to talk about Taylor Swift.

I’ve mentioned before that I find it easier to enjoy someones music if I feel like they’re a good person. Well, lets just say, I could totally see Taylor Swift & I being best friends.

I waited a week to get the album. There was so much hype around the album and apparently I am such a hipster, that I on purpose held out (even though it was killing me to not listen to it.) So finally I made the purchase and my ears have never been more grateful.

I wasn’t ready.

I tried to listen to the album without any expectations but I couldn’t help it and my expectations were high. Well, Ms. Swift, you completely surpassed all of my expectations.

Not only is the album completely relatable, but it is also completely FUN. Dance party by myself kind of fun. Singing in the shower kind of fun. Dancing in the office kind of fun. Tell everyone about it kind of fun. I’ve heard a lot of people say that this new Taylor sound came out of no where and that it’s unlike anything she’s ever done and I completely disagree. I believe Taylor always had this music inside of her, she even gave us a taste of that on her RED album with 22.

Yes, this album is POP music but I find it difficult to compare it to anything that is on the pop radio stations today. Her sound is unique, her vocals are real, and her lyrics are personal. I will go head to head with anybody that condemns Taylor Swift for writing about her personal experiences. How are we as a society so hypocritical? How dare we tell her that she is getting too personal? Putting too much of herself out there? Then we turn around and applaud Usher for writing a song about how he cheated on his significant other? We tell him that he is brave. We call him courageous for admitting to his wrongs. I applaud Taylor Swift for continuing to put herself out there when she has been told so many times by other people to stop. 

I applaud Taylor Swift for taking control of the narrative the media is creating for her. She has taken everything that has been said about her and is now using it to her advantage. What did she get from that? A phenomenally put together music video for Blank Space. (I could talk about Blank Space for years. The video has been live 6 days and it already has garnered 44,796,146 views, and I’m pretty sure I’m responsible for 40,000,000 of those views.)

The point is, Taylor Swift’s 1989 album is a hit. It is a well rounded album that continues to break records. Taylor Swift is growing into a force to be reckoned with and her confidence in herself is one to be envied. With this album Taylor makes sure you take a colorful journey with her and creates a beautiful soundtrack to your life. She makes sure she is there for you no matter what you are going through. What are you still reading this for? GO! Get the album!

Have you heard the Taylor Swift album? What did you think?


Music Monday: Chandelier

I often feel like I am in a never ending war with myself to live life by my own terms. To stop making decisions for others and to finally think about myself. Thankfully, I feel like I’m winning (for now) I can sense everything slowly coming into place. I have led most of my life being a slave to something. Whether it be: my parents, my friends, my job, my depression, self harm. I have always centered my decisions around a specific person or thing. The person is never me! I am slowly and carefully taking off the shackles. I am threading lightly but I can feel everything changing.

The other day I was watching The Ellen Show and she had Sia on as her musical guest. Sia performed Chandelier, her new single. Let me just tell you, the song practically knocked all the wind out of me.


This is an emotional song disguised with an upbeat tempo. The lyrics describe a party girl struggling with alcoholism. If you listen to Sia’s voice, the struggle sounds extremely autobiographical. Her raspy voice, that at times yells the song to you, demands you to listen to her pain. To take into account what she’s saying and to feel for her. I, thankfully have never struggled with alcoholism. But I do know what it’s like to feel like a slave to an addiction (mine was self harm, yes you can be addicted to it.) I am obsessed with this song, I listen to it at least five times a day.

I immediately connected with this song. From the moment that you hear Sia’s voice until the very last beat of the song, you travel through a heartbreaking and hopeful journey. This song is the definition of an anthem! It reminds you to let go, to allow yourself to cry, to LIVE. 

Now go and listen to the song and come back here and tell me what you thought. 🙂



Thx for reading & remember to share the blog with someone in need of a new anthem! 

Music Monday: Brave

I seldom leave my comfort zone. I’m not proud of it but I get terrible anxiety when I even consider doing something new. That doesn’t mean I never try new things, it just means I have to talk myself into doing anything new. I’ve slowly been trying to ease myself out of this way of living. The first step I took towards change was I wrote down a “bucket list.” My bucket list consists of things I want to accomplish in my life and experiences I want to have. One of the items on this list is enter a writing contest. Seems insignificant enough right? Well, for someone that struggles with bearing her soul this can be a challenging task. Well the other day, I got an email for a free writing contest specifically for Young Adult authors. Being that the novel I just finished is in the Young Adult genre you can imagine how absolutely stoked I was. It’s as if The Universe got together to send me a sign, “now is the time to take the leap.” So this MUSIC MONDAY I’d like to dedicate to Sara Bareilles’ song “Brave”


This song is perfect for this moment, it embodies bravery. It’s an upbeat song that encourages you to step out of the comfort that you live in. For this moment; this song will be my anthem. Now, go listen to this song and do something BRAVE!

Make this Monday your b*tch! The only barriers that exist are the ones you create for yourself. Do not limit yourself, believe that you can achieve greatness. I BELIEVE IN YOU! It’s time you believe in YOURSELF!

This is the writing contest I will be entering:

Go do something Brave and if you’d like, share what it was in the comments down below!



Music Monday: Workout Playlist

WELCOME to Music Mondays, a place where I share with you everything & anything I love in music.

This week I thought I’d share with you a little bit of what I listen to while working out. I do listen to a lot of fast paced music but I noticed that what gets me pumped the most during the work out is usually inspirational music. So here goes:

Sara Bareilles: Brave

Sara Bareilles: Little Black Dress

Sara Bareilles: Hercules

Jason Mraz: Living in the Moment

Jason Mraz: Butterfly

Jason Mraz: 3 Things

Jason Mraz: The Remedy

Jason Mraz: Live High

The Rescues: Break Me Out

The Rescues: Before the Fall

American Authors: Best Day of My Life actually their whole Oh What a Life Album

Imagine Dragons: also their whole album

Run River North: again, their whole album

Christina Perri: I Don’t Wanna Break

Christina Aguilera: We Remain

A Great Big World: This is the new year

Rent the Musical: La Vie Boheme

Wicked: What is this feeling?

Katy Perry: Roar

Macklemore: And We Danced

Macklemore: Same Love

Macklemore: Can’t Hold Us

Macklemore: Thrift Shop (super inspring 😀 )

Eminem: Berzerk

Eminem: Monster

Spring Awakening (the Musical) : Bitch of a Living

Spring Awakening: Totally Fucked

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: Life is Hard

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros: Man on Fire

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros: Home

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros: I Don’t Wanna Pray

FRIENDS THEME SONG, you know the one “I’ll be there for you … ” LOVE THAT ISH!

and you know there’s the Britney Spears, One Direction, Hanson, (stop I can feel you judging me) NSYNC (yes, Nsync-er for life #neverforget)

Anyway, that’s part of my work-out playlist, you should youtube all of these songs, I promise you won’t regret it!

What do you listen to while you workout? 

